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The County Chronicle

The online newspaper for Loudoun County High School

The County Chronicle

The County Chronicle

Summer Orledge

Summer Orledge, staff writer

Summer Orledge is a senior at LCHS who spends her spare time procrastinating, writing speculative fiction, creating visual art, and cuddling with her gluttonous cat named April.

She loves irony, post-irony, and meta-irony and hopes The Onion is hiring. For now, she supposes she’ll have to settle for The County Chronicle. This is her first year on the newspaper staff, and she looks forward to writing informative and entertaining feature, news, and opinion pieces.

To contact her, arrange a collection of Prismacolor pencils in a triangle and chant Taylor Swift lyrics. Or, if that is not convenient, email her at [email protected]

All content by Summer Orledge
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Summer Orledge