Loudoun County student drivers deserve designated parking spots for school, and it is important to follow proper protocol. Every year, students submit for parking spots for the school year, and even though seniors do have superiority, it’s still challenging with limited space to get spots, and many are wait-listed. Overcrowded parking can be a safety hazard.
Security officer Daemien Korker says he “likes to keep people safe and secure” including in the parking lot. At this school, there are a lot of people who care to keep the students safe so respecting them and the school environment is very important.
To get a parking spot most students will need to sign up before the beginning of the school year. Students must also fill out a Loudoun County parking permit agreement with their parents which states the rights of what the students should expect when it comes to violations and privileges as well as a Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education High school parking pass application.
”Everyone is always in a rush to leave and forget that there are other people that want to leave just as bad,” senior Chloe Beal said. “I don’t think there is a specific way to solve the problem, but I do think if people were more patient and not whipping around the parking lot then it would help.” This shows how much care the students have for others in a parking lot and how it could be dangerous.
Even though seniors like Chloe have early release she thinks that “it’s not as chaotic during early release because it’s mostly seniors who have had their license and are more respectful and aware of their surroundings”.
Therefore students should be cautious and not worry solely about getting out but looking out for others. Also if students do achieve a parking spot it’s not all sunshine and rainbows because some of the other students can make it an uneasy environment.
This means that following proper parking etiquette is important to the school’s faculty and students because it can be dangerous and result in reckless driving, student car crashes, and disagreements. A lot of kids don’t want to have to deal with those kinds of acts and they should be able to park their car and leave with ease. Not only that, nobody wants someone else to take their parking spot. Can you imagine the battle over parking spots if they were not pre-assigned?
Loudoun County has a good system established, as long as students are respectful and follow proper parking etiquette.
Students should stay courteous and attentive when it comes to avoiding occasional parking spot mishaps. A lot of people might say they aren’t dangerous but they could result in potential road rage accidents or pedestrian accidents.
There are many times at dismissal when students are challenged to get through the two-lane carpool line by the Annex, along with the additional line that wraps around the cafeteria and behind the school. Not only have there been student accidents near campus, but other schools, like Catoctin Elementary School, have kids and parents going in and out of the building, and students at the crosswalk or walking home.
Loudoun County drivers should stay super alert to cars and pedestrian traffic. Therefore not only the ones on the road, but those crossing such as pedestrians must keep a watchful eye as well. No one wants to get hit by a car, hit someone or even get their car in an accident or fender bender. This is why, to stay safe, students should all be respectful, alert and while in a parking lot.
Many students who have just gotten their permit will often have other passengers than they are required to have but teachers teach kids in classes like driver’s ed so that they listen but the students seem to not be impacted by it because of their actions in response.
It’s important to use what you learn in classes because you can get major ticket fines, get your license revoked, face jail time, or even worse get in a tragic irreversible accident.
Painting parking spots has been a fun tradition for students (mainly seniors) to do for their school year. It does come with a fee of $200 and also requires a drawing or sketch submission to be school-appropriate/approved. September 10,16 & 25 are the dates that students have been painting their spots, and they enjoy the time together sharing a part of themselves with the school.
The parking spots are limited to one person per spot so being respectful of other people’s spaces is something that the students at Loudoun County should also be aware of. Parking etiquette is very important. Police enforcers are trying to keep it contained and under control and we need to respect the people working to keep us safe. There is no good outcome from being reckless, selfish, unalert, and rude when it comes to getting in and out of the parking lot. Remind yourself of these simple acts of kindness and being respectful students.
Respect others, cars, and space
Park in the middle
Don’t be disrespectful and rude
Use one spot (your spot)
Don’t block other cars
Watch for pedestrians
Respect authority, crossguards, and “Stay Alert” signs (avoid in-car distractions)
These things seem little, but make a huge difference to people, especially when trying to stay safe when maneuvering in a very busy and crowded parking lot.
In conclusion, proper parking etiquette is important because you want others to be respectful to you and your property while making sure everyone is safe, while in and out of a vehicle. Therefore you should be kind and stay cautious, being kind can calm other drivers and yourself, but being cautious is staying safe which is important even within our parking lots and school environment.