Captains Creamery pop-up shop offers student development and teachers relaxation

Suraphel Getahun serves math teacher Todd Risser at the pop up shop during eighth block on March 31. Zevonn Sledd serves in the background.

Teachers taking a break from grading papers, stepping into the upstairs classroom, are immediately met with the smiling faces of students in the workplace skills class. Classy music relaxes the atmosphere while students lead teachers to their seats with menus that have options of ice cream and shakes. Tables with student-made decorations, ice cream cups and spoons, the Captains Creamery pop-up ice cream shop was an uplifting event that left everyone involved feeling cheerful. 

“This is just so wonderful,” Special Education Teacher Cindy Protogiannis said while drinking a milkshake. “It is way more than I expected it to be.” 

This event took a month in preparation while the students learned different skills needed for working at a restaurant. All teachers with eighth block planning were invited to attend. This is the first event that has been put together that included any teachers. 

As part of the special education department, the workspace skills class teaches students the important skills needed for life in the workforce after graduation. 

Megan Mcknight, a student who helped prepare the ice cream and milkshakes, had said her favorite part about the event was “helping people get their ice cream.” 

“I really love the idea of the kids setting this up and getting real world experience to prepare for a potential job,” Family and Consumer Science Teacher Dorene Kuebler said. 

Special Education Teacher Alyssa Casanova hopes that the students will get out of this experience “the inside as to what it’s actually like to work specific jobs of being a waiter, being a host, being a dishwasher,” Casanova said. “Having that extra layer of real life is what we are hoping for and to experience.”